4 hours ago
I want to categorically state here that this website is real and not fake, by the Grace of God today am a student of Ambrose Alli University Ekpoma.
JUPEB Certificate are highly respected and recognized by various higher institutions both in Nigeria and abroad. The certificates/results are acceptable in increasing number of institutions in the country. The Federal Government, through its various educational agencies, recognize JUPEB as an National Examination body saddled with the responsibility of conducting examinations for securing admission into higher institution. The syllabus is approved by the National Education Research and Development Council (NERDC) and the JUPEB examination result are listed among the acceptable modes of entry in the JAMB brochure.
JUPEB certificate is presently recognised and accepted in more than 60% of Nigeria federal, state and private Universities. For many decades, Nigerian higher institutions have been admitting students with JUPEB results into their undergraduate programmes. This page is intended to list the universities which accepts Joint Universities Preliminary Examinations Board (JUPEB) certificate for Direct Entry Admission. This list is not exhaustive, for an updated list check ➧JUPEB Affiliates Universities. In this regard, we encourage you to check your JAMB brochure for JUPEB acceptability in your school of choice (incase it is not stated below)
I want to categorically state here that this website is real and not fake, by the Grace of God today am a student of Ambrose Alli University Ekpoma.