(0700)-JUPEBCONNECT, 08036405369, 08166609890 (WhatsApp Only)
>>>>Registration exercise for 2024/25 academic session has commenced. Apply now to any of the available affiliate private centres nationwide.
Home > JUPEB Requirement

JUPEB Requirement

The programme is open to all interested candidates nationwide and any course can be offered be it Science, Art or Social Science. The basic requirements are as follows;

  • O'Level result (minimum of 5 credit passes in at least five (5) subjects at O'Level, including English language and Mathematics at not more than 2 sittings)
  • Four(4) passport photographs
  • Birth certificate
  • Certificate of state of origin (optional)

However note that;

  • No JAMB/PUTME score is needed for admission
  • Awaiting result candidate too can apply
  • Automatic admission without screening

JUPEB Success Stories

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12 hours ago

I have heard some people testify gloriously about this programme, so i believe i shall tell a fabulous story as well.

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